Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Uncommon Threads, 8/18


Uncommon Threads: The Handicrafts in Book Arts
Exhibition dates: September 23 - October 29, 2011
Location: 23 Sandy Gallery, Portland, Oregon
Deadline for Entries: August 18, 2011

THEME - One of the best aspects of working in the field of book and paper
arts is the chance to work with such varied artistic materials and
techniques—even traditional handicraft techniques. Think of knitting,
embroidery, sewing, beading, felting, needlework, stitching, quilting and
any other myriad possibilities. Combine these techniques or materials with a
strong concept, meaningful content, a story to tell or a compelling
narrative and we have a new era in the book and paper arts.

Uncommon Threads seeks artist books and other forms of book and paper art
that utilize handicraft techniques, materials or subjects as a way to round
out, illustrate or compliment a central concept. Remember, it’s not just
about the materials or techniques. Let’s dispel the myth that the
handicrafts can’t have any part in meaningful art.

MEDIA - This exhibit is open to hand crafted book and paper arts related
works created as either edition or one-of-a-kind. Artist books, sculptural
books, book objects, altered books, zines, broadsides and sculptural pieces
are all encouraged. Any medium, any style, any size.

AWARDS - Three artists will receive "Best of Show Awards" which will include
a certificate and special marketing blitz focusing on their work. One artist
will receive a "Library Choice Award" which will be awarded based on ballots
cast by our library and museum customers and will also receive a certificate
and marketing blitz.

DEADLINE – Submissions are due no later than August 13, 2011

INFO – A complete call for entries for Uncommon Threads can be found here:

Monday, May 23, 2011

In And Out Of The Box, 6/27

Concept: The ebb and flow of consumerism initiated the decline of shopping in person at big box/warehouse stores and the rise of the virtual/mail order shopping experience. As a result of this shift, there has naturally been a rise in the number of boxes being sent around the world from retailer to buyer. Additionally, the experience of packaging, sealing, opening, and unwrapping has exponentially grown. In And Out Of The Box invites imaginative makers to explore this unfolding cultural phenomenon. This show will address the nature of “boxing”: packing, sending, delivering, receiving, etc. All boxes and packaging material will be displayed in this exhibit, as we strive to make the process of the delivery a focus of the show.
Juror: Dina Deitsch, Associate Curator of Contemporary Art at the deCordova Sculpture Park + Museum.

Application Deadline: Monday, June 27th, 2011.
Exhibition Dates: July 9th, 2011 – August 13th, 2011
Opening Reception: July 9th, 2011, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Eligibility: This is a national juried 3-D mail exhibition for works in all media that are delivered to the gallery in the specified box.
Entry Fee: $20
Guideline For Entries: All submissions to In And Out Of The Box must be delivered to the gallery in a USPS medium flat rate box sized 11” x 8.5” x 5.5”. This box will ship any content up to 70lbs for a flat rate of $10.95.

Notification Of Acceptance: Hera Gallery will contact artists as soon as possible regarding the inclusion of their artwork into In And Out Of The Box. Artwork not selected for the show will be remitted to the artist immediately.

Insurance: Although the utmost care will be taken in handling your work, Hera Gallery assumes no responsibility for damage, loss, or theft. Artists are responsible for their own insurance.
Photography/Publicity: Hera Gallery reserves the right to photograph work for publicity. By entering this exhibition, you agree to the use of your name, likeness, certain personal information, and artwork in any publicity material or documentation developed for the exhibition.

Return Shipping: Artist is responsible for all shipping costs and shipping containers. Artist must include prepaid return shipping certificate valid for the flat rate box that work is mailed in.

Sales Commission: Hera Gallery retains a 25% sales commission

Monday, May 2, 2011

1000 Artist's Books, 7/15

The publisher of our book, "More Making Books by Hand" (Rockport Publishers/Quarry Books, an international publisher of high-quality visual and idea books for design professionals and creative enthusiasts. www.quarrybooks.com) is planning to publish a gallery-style book to be titled "1000 Artists’ Books" (publication date June 2012), which will present 1000 images of artists' books.

The call for entries can be found on the following web site:

We invite you all to look at the "Call For Entry" and to submit your work for consideration. By the way, the book is already in the design phase, and so the sooner you get your application in the better the chance of being included.