Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ABSTRACT: Traditional and emerging formats of artists’ books: Jan 31st


“Traditional and emerging formats of artists’ books: Where do we go from here?”

9th and 10th July 2009 at the School of Creative Arts, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. 10am – 5pm each day.

We believe that content is paramount for any artist’s book, yet format is also part of its context. We are currently working on a 2-year AHRC funded project (www.ahrc.ac.uk) at the Centre for Fine Print Research at the University of the West of England, UK: “What will be the canon for the artist’s book in the 21st Century?” Our aim is to create a manifesto for a canon of the 21st Century artist’s book, to be published in February 2010.

The study will consider the traditional publishing formats for artists’ books and assess their potential for future expansion within the field. We also aim to quantify how artists are using new technologies and screen-based media as publishing tools.

We are seeking papers and members for discussion panels for a two-day conference we will be hosting on 9th and 10th July 2009. We invite artists, academics, students, presses, publishers, curators, dealers and collectors to submit abstracts for papers and discussion topics, based upon the title of the conference: “Traditional and emerging formats of artists’ books: Where do we go from here?” There will be a total of twelve papers presented over the two days and two discussion sessions for which we are seeking the abstracts to be refereed.

Speakers who are selected by the referees will not be paid to present a paper so we encourage participants to apply for funding elsewhere. The funding from the AHRC will be used to subsidise the cost of attending the conference to allow as many to attend as possible. Attendance will cost £20 or £10 for students for both days. These fees will be waived for speakers/panel members. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words and a copy of your current CV by 31st January 2009 to:

Sarah Bodman and Tom Sowden
Centre for Fine Print Research
School of Creative Arts
University of the West of England
Kennel Lodge Road
Sarah.Bodman@uwe.ac.uk / Tom.Sowden@uwe.ac.uk

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